1 | ACTREC/Advt-15/2025 | Walk in/Online interview for the post of Senior Resident (General Medicine) | Interview from 25/01/2025 onward till the post is filled-up
(Monday to Friday-Working days) between 10:00 AM-4:00PM | |
2 | ACTREC/ADVT.21/2025 | Walk in/Zoom Interview for the post of Consultant (Pathology) On Ad-hoc Basis | | |
3 | OS-A/35/2025 | Walk in interview for Yoga Instructor (Full Time) | | |
4 | OS-A/19/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Sub Officer (Fire) | | |
5 | Advt- OS-A/25/2025 | Walk in interview for AV (Audio Visual) Technician | | |
6 | ACTREC/ADVT.22/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Medical Physicist (On Contract Basis) | | |
7 | Advt- OS-A/21/2025 | Walk in interview for Network Technician | | |
8 | ACTREC/ADVT-23/2025 | Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow | | |
9 | OS-A/34/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of ICU/OT Technician | | |
10 | Advt- OS-A/33/2024 | Walk in interview for Scientific Assistant (Division of Molecular Epidemiology and Population Genetics) | | |
11 | ACTREC/Advt- 24/ 2025/ | Walk in interview for the post of Histopathology Technician | | |
12 | Advt- OS-A/07/2024 | Walk in interview for Phlebotomist | | |
13 | OS-A/24/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Medical Social Worker | | |
14 | OS-A/32/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Sr. Project Staff (Hematopathology) | | |
15 | ACTREC/ADVT-32/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow | | |
16 | ACTREC/ADVT-31/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Senior Research Fellow | | |
17 | ACTREC/ADVT-33/2025 | Walk in interview for Research Nurse | | |
18 | ACTREC/ADVT-35/2025 | Walk in interview for Medical Social Worker | | |
19 | ACTREC/ADVT-18/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Research Associate | | |
20 | ACTREC/Advt- 27/2025 | Walk-In/Online Interview for 1 Year TMC Fellowship in Non-Operating Room Anaesthesia | | |
21 | ACTREC/Advt- 26/2025 | Walk-In/Online Interview for 1 Year TMC Fellowship in Difficult Airway Management (1) | | |
22 | ACTREC/Advt- 29/2025 | Walk-In/Online Interview for 1 Year TMC Fellowship in Onco- Anaesthesia and Pain | | |
23 | ACTREC/Advt- 34/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Senior Resident (Anaesthesia) | | |
24 | ACTREC/Advt- 28/2025 | Walk in/Online Interview for 1 Year TMC Fellowship (Anaesthesia) in Acute and Chronic Pain | | |
25 | ACTREC/Advt- 30/2025 | Walk-In/Online Interview for 1 Year TMC Fellowship in Onco- Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain | | |
26 | ACTREC/ADVT-36/2025 | Walk in interview for the post of Clinical Trial Coordinator | | |
27 | ACTREC/Advt- 17/2025 | Walk in/Onlin interview for the post of Senior Resident | | |