Transfusion Medicine

Professor & Head : Dr. Shashank Ojha
The Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) continually strives to maintain high quality standards in provision of safe blood in adequate quantities to meet the needs of patients admitted at ACTREC. Quality is achieved with strict vigilance and best operating practices, quality control at each level. DTM complies with all regulatory aspects as per Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Atomic Energy Review Board (AERB) and other authorities. DTM strives to achieve International standards and meets the requirements through continuous improvement of Quality Management System. The department has been a primary support to the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) unit. The department has successfully met the demands for transfusion support for patients in BMT unit, Hematolymphoid unit, solid tumour unit, pediatric oncology unit as well as surgical oncology unit in ACTREC. It also caters to the requirements of patients admitted at other hospitals and nursing homes in Navi Mumbai. Therefore, efforts have been put to increase indoor and outdoor voluntary blood donation and the goal of 100% voluntary blood donation have been achieved. In view of increasing demands for Single Donor Platelets (SDPs), similar efforts has been undertaken to augment voluntary platelet donor registry by organizing additional platelet awareness camps.
The department undertakes routine services like blood donation and apheresis including plateletpheresis, leukapheresis, blood grouping and Rh typing, crossmatching, Direct and Indirect Coomb’s test, washed packed cells, auto-immune hemolytic anemia workup, blood component separation, Transfusion transmitted infections (TTI) testing, storage and issue of blood products. DTM also provides specialized services like peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) harvest, assistance in Bone marrow harvest, bone marrow processing, cryopreservation, storage and inventory management of stem cells, leukodepletion and gamma irradiation, bacterial testing of blood components for BMT patients. The routine Quality control of all blood products are performed as per regulatory standards. DTM is functional 24 X 7 to carry out activities like crossmatch and issue of blood products for emergency cases.
The department imparts training in PBSC harvest and other Bone marrow transplant-related activities to MD students from TMH and other centres as a part of their curriculum. Also doctors and technologists from other hospitals undergo training in plateletpheresis, PBSC harvest and BMT related activities. DTM conducts in-house academic sessions and staff members are encouraged to undergo training, participate in scientific meetings and conferences, and keep abreast with the latest developments in the field.
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Dr.Shashank Ojha | Associate Professor & OIC |
2. | M.G Kamble | Scientific Officer |
3. | Dr.Minal Poojary | Blood Bank Officer |
4. | Mr Palumaru Nagaraju | Scientific Assistant |
5. | Mr Amol Tirlotkar | Scientific Assistant |
6. | Mr Vimal Sathyan | Scientific Assistant |
7. | Mr Kalpesh Chawan | Scientific Assistant |
8. | Mr Arun Kumar.N | Scientific Assistant |
9. | Mrs Vidya Patil | Scientific Assistant |
10. | Mr Rajendra Dhokle | Scientific Assistant |
11. | Mr Abhitab Ravatale | Medical Social Worker |
Transfusion Transmitted Infections Laboratory
Red Cell Serology Laboratory
Component Laboratory
Flowcytometry Laboratory
Blood Donor And Apheresis Area