Radiological Research Unit (RRU)
The under construction RRU is planned in collaboration with BARC and Radiation Medicine Centre. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd is part funding the project under CSR.
This facility will have a high energy Medical Cyclotron to manufacture innovative radioisotopes which will be used for diagnostic and targeted Chemotherapy (Theranostics).
This facility will have State of the Art Imaging facilities like PET/CT, SPECT/CT, and PET-MRI in addition to Digital Subtraction Angiography for TransArterialRadioEmboliztion (TARE) and TransArterialChemoEmbolization (TACE).
The facility will have 40 inpatient beds and a dedicated floor for day care patients making it one of the largest therapeutic nuclear medicine treatment facility in the world.
In addition to the above evaluation of innovative Radiation techniques will be undertaken for it’s efficacy in the Indian population.
Expected to be completed in the 4th quarter of 2020.

Hadron Proton Beam Therapy
This advanced technology will be made available for the first time in the Indian public sector at affordable costs.
High Precision Proton Beam Radiotherapy will ensure precision tumour targeting with minimal collateral damage to normal and vital tissues. The Hadron Proton Beam Therapy will have 3 moving Gantries for treating patients. Expected to be commissioned in the second quarter of 2020.

Women and Children Cancer
The ground plus seven floor structure will have 165 beds for inpatients and 70 beds for day care patients. It will have 14 Operation Theatres of the state-of-art-technologies with 18 Intensive Care Units and 26 recovery beds. CSSD and Rehabilitation and Counselling are additional facilities planned in this Women and Children Cancer unit.
Expected to be commissioned in the 2nd quarter of 2020.

Shantilal Sanghavi Hematolymphoid block
The Comprehensive Hematolymphoid Cancer centre will have ground plus 16 floors with a total area of 2,60,000 square feet. The unit facilitates Out Patient Department, 140 Day care beds, 240 In Patients beds, 25 beds for BMT patients and 30 ICU beds. Advanced Laboratories, Imaging facilities, Transfusion Services and Stem Cell Collection units are the added facilities.

Archival Block
The commissioned Archival Block facilitates storage of paraffin blocks of cancerous tissues for research studies and archiving patient records and documents. The block will also house Centre for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics & Cross Talk Lab, GMP facility for Cell based therapy & CARTI cell.

Asha Niwas
The ground plus 12 floor structure donated by Infosys foundation will have 265 rooms to accommodate outstation patients with their attendant. Ancillary facilities like Kitchen, Dining and Laundry will be made available to enhance the inhabitant’s comfort. Expected to be commissioned in the 4th quarter of 2020.