Inauguration of National Hadron Beam Therapy at ACTREC by the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri P M Narendra Modi

Researchers at ACTREC developed a bioinformatics tool to analyze the cancer-specific gene mutations in the Indian population.

Isolation of Covid strain S-E484K for the first time in India in three persons outside Mumbai.
Twenty year landmark study by TMH and ACTREC clinicians proved 'Clinical breast examination is a preferred method for breast cancer' published in BMJ.Proton beam therapy trials began on Phantoms. India's first CART cell therapy was done at ACTREC as a collaboration between ACTREC and IIT-Bombay.

Landmark study on "reduced treatment cost of breast cancer patients" published in JAMA Network.

A New Anatomy Laboratory was established to develop surgical skills of doctors on cadavers at ACTREC.
State-of-art Operation Theatre cum Intensive Care Unit was commissioned at ACTREC. New Robotic Neuronavigation Testing Laboratory was commissioned at ACTREC in collaboration with BARC. The first renal dialysis was performed at ACTREC
CAR T-cell Therapy Centre with cGMP facility was established at ACTREC first of its kind in India.India's first fully automated BioBank for epidemiological studies was established at CCE, ACTREC

To reduce complications in cancer patients undergoing radiotherpy, a new Multileaf Collimator Teletherapy System developed by BARC was installed and commissioned at ACTREC.

A GMP facility was established in ACTREC that will harness the power of the immune system to fight cancer.
A preclinical study to evaluate the efficacy of CAR-T cells from patients with relapsed or refractory ALL is initiated in collaboration with IIT-B. Dr Amit Dutt, won the prestigeous Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award for Science and Technology for his work in the field of Cancer Genomics: interpretation, characterization, and translation of genomic discoveries to clinics.
The successful installation, validation testing, clinical commissioning and regulatory approval of the indigenously developed multi-leaf collimator (MLC) system on Bhabhatron-II telecobalt unit for field shaping in 2017 was the first step towards delivery of conformal radiotherapy.

ACTREC commissioned the new linear accelerator with IGRT or IMRT capability for stereotactic radiotherapy, image guided radiotherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery, total body irradiation and total skin electron therapy.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to take up a collaborative project on the 'Development of new cancer chemotherapeutics' was signed on 3 October 2016 between the BARC and ACTREC.
Installation of the MiSeq NGS platform that will enable clinician researchers to design and conduct experiments on targeted sets of genes.

Pre-Anaesthesia Check-up clinic and actual pain services are introduced and critical incident reporting is initiated in the operation theatre and the intensive care Unit at ACTREC.

The clinical pharmacology lab at ACTREC develops pharmacokinetics-guided optimization of cancer drug.
ACTREC is recognised by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, as a nodal centre for training scientists from North-Eastern regions in Bioinformatics and in Biotechnology.

A Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA Cathlab) for advanced image guided interventional radiology technique is commissioned.
A state-of-the-art core imaging facility is established at ACTREC that housed 3i spinning Disk, STED, 3X Super Resolution and Multiphoton microscopes to facilitate super-speed, multi-colour cell imaging.
Molecular sub-grouping of medulloblastomas is achieved using differential expression of microRNAs and their validation.
As a part International Cancer Genome Consortium, the mutational landscape of gingiva-buccal oral squamous cell carcinoma is defined.

A refurbished auditorium in ACTREC named as ‘Khanolkar Auditorium’ in honour of Dr. V. R. Khanolkar.
The founder Director of the Cancer Research Institute of Germany and the Nobel laureate Prof. Harald zur Hausen inaugurates the auditorium on 26th January 2012.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) grants for commissioning of the Centre for Advance Research in Cancer Genetics and Genomics at ACTREC.
The Indian component of International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) focuses on oral cancer.

Dr. Srikumar Banerjee, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy inaugurates the Small Animal Imaging facility (PET-CT) and lays the foundation stone for two new buildings: The ACTREC-BARC Radiology Research Unit and the Centre for Cancer Epidemiology (CCE) in ACTREC campus.

The BMT programme at ACTREC received national and international recognition.
An ambitious programme at ACTREC of matched unrelated donor transplant registry was successfully initiated in 2009 with HMA matched stem cell received from the national marrow donor registry in USA.
A new review and funding mechanism was initiated.
The first unrelated donor transplant was performed.
Neurosurgery programme received a boost with the commissioning of a 3.0 Tesla MRI machine.

The research based neurosurgery programme of TMC was initiated at ACTREC with the commissioning of fully equipped, state-of-art neurosurgery facility.

The BMT Unit was moved to ACTREC from TMH in October 2007.
The first patient was directly admitted at ACTREC on 14th November, 2007.
Bhabhatron-II was installed at ACTREC and commissioned on 9th October 2007 by Dr. Mohamed Elbardei, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

A new Epidemiology and Clinical Trails Unit (ECTU) and Clinical Science Research Group (CSRG) was instituted in ACTREC in 2006.

A 50 bedded state-of-the-art Clinical Research Centre (CRC) - devoted exclusively to translational and clinical research, and a research ward block was inaugurated on 30th March 2005 by Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission of India.
The clinical research building was named after the first Director of TMC, Dr. J. C. Paymaster, as Paymaster Shodhika.
And the research ward block was named Jussawala Shodhika after the visionary surgeon, Dr. D. J. Jussawala.
The first patient at ACTREC was treated by external beam radiation on the linear accelerator on 7th April, 2005.
Dr. S. S. Agarwal was appointed as first Director of ACTREC.
A composite laboratory with equipment and trained staff for haematology, biochemistry, cytology and microbiology investigation and research was commissioned in May 2005
Facilities for histopathology, frozen section, immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology to provide refined diagnosis were commissioned in October 2005
The pharmacy was started in March 2005
Bhabhatron-I, a telecobalt Unit indigenously developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in collaboration with Panacea Technology Ltd. is inaugurated by Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Anil Kakodkar on 30th March 2005

The foundation of the Nursing Department at ACTREC was laid in early 2004
Installation of major equipment - CT scanner, colour Doppler ultrasound, portable sonography, X-ray units, two portable X-ray units and automatic film processor began in 2004

The Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) building was formally inaugurated on 30th March 2002 by Dr. K. A. Dinshaw
The building housing basic science laboratories was named after its founder Dr. V. R. Khanolkar, as Khanolkar Shodhika.