Neelima Yadav

I have completed my graduation in B.Sc (Hons.) Microbiology (Batch 2011) from University Of Delhi(DU).

After completion of three years of bachelors in study of tiny microbes I qualified national level Combined Entrance Exam In Biotechnology (CEEB) conducted by JNU (New Delhi) and enrolled in two years of M.Sc Biotechnology, DBT sponsered programme in University Of Hyderabad (UoH). During my Masters I worked in Synechocystis biology laboratory in UoH for one year Dessertation. The Title of project was “Site Directed Mutagenesis in endoribonuclease gene sll1130 involved in toxin antitoxin (TA) system in cynobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803”. During this project I learnt and got skilled in techniques like Molecualr Cloning, SDM, Protein expression and purification.

In year 2016 I qualified CSIR-NET- JRF, GATE and joined Dr. Amit Dutt Laboratory of Integrated cancer genomics for Ph.D. The project which I am working on is about long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) targets of Progesterone in human breast cancer. The basis of project is a clinical trial conducted in TMH on 1000 breast cancer patients and come to conclusion that Pre surgical exposure of Progesterone can improve 5 year survival in operable breast cancer patients. The detailed mechanism and non-coding targets of progesterone through which it improves survival is unknown. As less than 2% of genome encodes protein but rest 75% of genome is actively transcribing but not coding fo any protein. Looking into “bright side of dark matter (non-coding region)”of genome is really exciting to work on.

Apart from interest in science, I also enjoy reading stories and poems. “Premchand” and “Ghalib” are my all time favourite writers.